Police Arbitrariness – Impunity

Police Brutality and Fundamental Rights: An overview of police arbitrariness in Greece

Police Brutality and Fundamental Rights: An overview of police arbitrariness in Greece

The Hellenic League for Human Rights (HLHR) has published the study titled: “Police, Brutality and Fundamental Rights: An overview of police arbitrariness in Greece”. Drawing on its many years of experience, the HLHR presents a comprehensive study on police violence and arbitrariness in Greece, highlighting the systematic nature of the phenomenon.

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Fired Cleaning Ladies Beaten outside Greek Ministry of Finance

Fired Cleaning Ladies Beaten outside Greek Ministry of Finance

Press Release

In light of the unprovoked jeering and beating of cleaning ladies and journalists by police officers outside Greece’s Ministry of Finance

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Statement to the UN Committee against Torture

Statement to the UN Committee against Torture

The Hellenic League for Human Rights, founded in 1936, is the oldest Greek Non-Governmental Organization in the field of human rights.

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The Downfall of Rights: Torture and Deportations

The Downfall of Rights: Torture and Deportations

Press Release

In two recent decisions (17th January 17th), the European Court of Human Rights sheds light on the rights situation in Greece during the crisis.

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About the distinctive on police officer uniforms

About the distinctive on police officer uniforms

Press Release

Government through its responsible Ministers, both the former Minister for the Protection of the Citizen, Mr. Chrisochoides and through the recent one Mr. Papoutsis

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Statement by Non-Governmental Organizations about the Olympic Games

Statement by Non-Governmental Organizations about the Olympic Games

In August and September (2004) the Olympic and Special Olympic Games will take place in Athens. This will be the most important sports event worldwide, and it is expected to draw

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