Category: Archived Projects

Citizenship in practice

The project “Citizenship in practice” is being implemented under the Active citizens fund in Greece by Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity, and its partner, the Hellenic League for Human Rights.

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A response to online hate speech through the enhancement of high-quality professional and citizen journalism.

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Legal Aid Watch


The project “Legal Aid Watch” aims to promote the institution of legal aid in Greece and in particular to collect research data on its practical application.

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Support refugees’ rights


The Hellenic Union for Human Rights is implementing a legal aid program for vulnerable asylum seekers. The program is implemented in Lesvos, where the highest number of arrivals is recorded. Overpopulation and lack of protection are systematically recorded as well.

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The REACT programme (Refugee, Assistance, Collaboration, Thessaloniki) concerns the lease of a total of 100 apartments in the municipalities of Thessaloniki, Neapoli-Sykies, and Kalamaria, and the signing of tenancy agreements with 30 families wishing to provide housing to refugees.

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Golden Dawn Watch

Golden Dawn Watch is an initiative to monitor the trial against Golden Dawn, organised by the Hellenic League for Human Rights, the Greek Observatory against Fascism and Racist Speech in the Media, which works as part of the Educational Foundation of ESIEA (Journalists’ Union of Athens Daily Newspapers), the Antifascist League of Athens and Piraeus, and the City of Athens Migrants’ Integration Council.

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The research project of TOCSIN (Teacher suppΟrt Confronting Social INequalities – TOCSIN) has been co-financed by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) (FM GR07 / 3708). 

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Stop Mare Mortum

Since august 2016, the Hellenic League for Human and Civil Rights, in collaboration with Spanish organization “Stop Mare Mortum”, has been providing tailored legal advice and legal aid to asylum seekers, the majority of whom are Syrians, but also Iraqis and Afghans, living both in formal hospitality structures as well as elsewhere

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C.O.N.T.A.C.T is a European Union supported project that aims to do something about this through a hate crime recording website and phone app, training of police and officials and research into hate crime. C.O.N.T.A.C.T covers Cyprus, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Spain and UK. C.O.N.T.A.C.T stands for Creating an Online Network, monitoring Team and phone App to Counter hate crime Tactics.

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