Tackling Gender Stereotypes: A Good Practices Presentation
The Hellenic League for Human Rights publishes a Good Practice Guide which presents good practices for addressing gender stereotypes when working with young audiences in education and in public discourse spaces, such as the media and advertising, in order to promote equality and inclusion.
Gender stereotypes have long been embedded in our society, persisting as deeply ingrained and pervasive beliefs about the characteristics and roles associated with women and men and are detected, among others, in young audiences and in places of public dialogue, such as the media and advertising.
While progress has been made towards gender equality, young audiences continue to be influenced by these stereotypes, that perpetuate harmful biases and limit the potential of individuals in various spheres. Gender stereotypes can also limit their understanding of their own potential and hinder their personal and professional development. Also, they are often perpetuated in public dialogue, particularly in media and advertising, especially targeting young audiences, creating divisions between genders, perpetuating inequality and impeding social progress by discouraging genuine understanding and acceptance between individuals.
This document is part of the project “A New Gender Era” implemented by the Hellenic League for Human Rights and the Gender Alliance for the period February 2023-January 2024. The project is Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor European Commission can be held responsible for them.