Category: Activities

An end must be put to the risk of the detained student’s life, Vassilis Dimakis

The Hellenic League for Human Rights is following up with great concern the development of the case of Vassilis Dimakis and demands from the leadership of the Ministry of Civil Protection to find an immediate solution to his legal request for access to education without further risk to his health and life. Vassilis Dimakis, who remains in solitary confinement in the basement of the Korydallos Women’s Prison without the necessary educational means (computer, internet connection) in order to attend his classes at the University, announced on May 24 that he resumes his hunger and thirst strike and that he interrupts even the communication with his lawyer.

In the case of the detained student, the deprivation of his educational rights takes place in derogation from the principle of legality and essentially constitutes the imposition of an additional penalty. Democracy, however, cannot and should not be vindictive. The penitentiary policy of a state governed by the rule of law should not be implemented in terms of human degradation and should not be governed by retaliatory logic. The rights, as rules of individual and collective protection, should be applied for all.

We demand from the competent Ministry to respect the rights of the prisoners, implement the current legislation and make every effort to protect the life of Vassilis Dimakis.

Open letter to all members of the Hungarian Parliament ahead of the vote on the draft law “on the Transparency of Organisations Funded from Abroad”

Hellenic League for Human Rights supports the action launched by the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders*, consisting of an open letter sent to all members of the Hungarian Parliament ahead of the vote on the draft law “on the Transparency of Organisations Funded from Abroad” (T/14967) set to take place on Tuesday June 13, 2017.

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