Support and legal services for victims of hate crime

The project entitled “Support and legal services for victims of hate crime” concerned support and legal services to victims of hate crime, through interventions for the recognition, reporting, and addressing hate crime in a comprehensive manner, comprised of the following stages:

  1. Recognizing and reporting;
  2. First-instance medical aid;
  3. First-instance legal aid and support;
  4. Continuous psychosocial support;
  5. Legal representation of victims, and
  6. Drafting a report of the outcomes, including recommendations to the authorities.

It is a comprehensive system for recognizing, recording and addressing hate crime, and will be placed under the auspices of the Racist Violence Recording Network (, the two main goals of which are: 

a. To provide concrete and comprehensive support services to victims of hate crime, and

b. through this service provision, to highlight the procedural, institutional and legal gaps, and to formulate recommendations to the authorities.


Together with the Hellenic League for Human Rights, the project partners were:

Medecins du Monde
Greek Council for Refugees
Greek Forum of Refugees
Colour Youth
Babel Day Centre

Through this project, participating partners provided legal help, first-instance medical aid, psychosocial support, and legal representation to victims.

Project services were offered anonymously and free of charge to all citizens without exceptions, and were provided by specialist professionals.

Project’s brochure here.

The project duration was 18.5 months, and was implemented between 17/10/2014 – 30/04/2016. 

The final project deliverables can be accessed here (in Greek).


The project was funded by the programme “We are all Citizens – enhancing social welfare service provision to vulnerable social groups” – which is part of EEA Grants for Greece. The Bodossaki Foundation is the Programme Operator. The aim of the Programme is to empower civil society in Greece, and to enhance social justice, democracy, and sustainable development.




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