Category: Announcements

Greece: EU Ignores Deteriorating Rule of Law

Greece: EU Ignores Deteriorating Rule of Law
Misleading Report Plays Down Curbs in Media, Civic Space

(Brussels, August 1, 2024) – The European Commission’s 2024 Rule of Law Report, published on July 24, 2024, misleads readers about the state of the rule of law in Greece at a time when media freedom and civic space face dire threats and attacks, 14 human rights and media freedom organizations said today.

The overly positive account in the report starkly contrasts an alarming reality experienced by journalists, activists, and civil society organizations on the ground, and a growing international concern over the deterioration of the rule of law in the country, which was highlighted by 17 human rights and press freedom groups in a February 2024 letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

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Pylos 9: Announcement on their trail in Kalamata

The trial of the nine survivors of the deadly Pylos shipwreck was scheduled for 21 May 2024, in Kalamata. The Court dismissed all charges against the survivors due to lack of jurisdiction. The Court found the prosecution inadmissible for the charges of criminal organization and causing a shipwreck. Additionally, the defendants were acquitted of charges related to transporting migrants and illegal entry into the country.

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HLHR’s Conference I 25 May 2024

The Hellenic League for Human Rights invites you to the Conference entitled:

Rights Today: gaps and challenges in their protection

1974-2024: 50 years after the ratification of the European Convention on Human Rights

Saturday, 25 May 2024, 09:00-18:00

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

“Alkis Argiriadis” Amphitheater (central building , 30 Panepistimiou st.)

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SLAPP Proof: advocacy for freedom of expression and information

The Hellenic League for Human Rights and the investigative journalism group The Manifold announce the launch of the project “SLAPP Proof: Advocacy for Freedom of Expression and Information”.

SLAPP Proof comes in response to one of the main challenges in the rights field: the shrinking right to freedom of expression and information is being challenged by the increasingly widespread practice of SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation). The project aims to develop a framework for protection against SLAPPs that will promote freedom of expression, support public participation and strengthen the rule of law in Greece through information, awareness raising and advocacy for protection against SLAPPs.

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Attack in Thessaloniki: yet another violent incident targeting people because of their identity

Athens 15.03.2024 – The Racist Violence Recording Network strongly condemns the violent incident against two LGBTQI+ individuals in Thessaloniki by a large group on Saturday 9 March 2024 and expresses its deep concern about the escalating homophobic and transphobic rhetoric targeting LGBTQI+ people and the impact it might have on their safety and well-being. According to the victims’ testimonies, teenagers and young adults were among the group of alleged perpetrators. Several people were arrested and subsequently charged.

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Greece: Rule of Law Threatened

Greece: Rule of Law Threatened
Rights Groups Urge European Commission to Take Action

(Athens, February 6, 2024) – The European Commission should take immediate action to address the deterioration of media freedom and the rule of law in Greece and its impact on fundamental rights, 17 human rights and press freedom organizations said today in a letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

Threats to the rule of law include an ongoing major surveillance scandal allegedly implicating the government in the targeted hacking of journalists’ devices, government interference with the media, abusive lawsuits against journalists and activists, and an overall unsafe working environment for journalists. Two unresolved murders of journalists in 10 years underscore the risks they face. In addition, under the New Democracy government, the authorities have used the criminal justice system to threaten civil society groups and activists. Registration requirements for nongovernmental groups working on migration and asylum have imposed an unreasonable burden on them.

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Greece in institutional decline: Civil society tracks persisting rule of law backsliding

Executive Summary

Defending and strengthening the rule of law in remains a core priority for Greek civil society against the backdrop of ongoing institutional decline in the country.

Independent organisations Vouliwatch, Greek Council for Refugees (GCR), Refugee Support Aegean (RSA), HIAS Greece, Hellenic League for Human Rights (HLHR) and Reporters United document persisting deficiencies and emerging threats to the rule of law in Greece in their contribution to the European Commission’s annual monitoring of Member States’ systems through its Rule of Law Report.

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Athens, 25 October 2023

Even war has rules – Almost half of the dead are children: over 2,000 have already been killed and thousands more children will live with disabilities and mental health issues due to war-inflicted trauma. The blatant disregard for civilians’ right to life and protection cannot be accepted.

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Πόστερ με φωτογραφία του Γιαννη Μπεχρακη που απεικονίζει εναν άνρα με αδιαβροχο να περπαταει στην ασφαλτο κρατωντας στην αγκαλια του ενα παιδι. Το ποστερ λεει Share Dignity.

No monitoring of fundamental rights violations in Greece without independent and effective mechanisms

Athens, June 21, 2023: Greece must guarantee independent and effective monitoring of violations of the human rights of refugees and migrants to restore the rule of law, following the European Commission request to the Greek authorities for an investigation of a push back of refugees by the Hellenic Coast Guard on Lesvos island, documented by the New York Times. The Greek authorities have entrusted the National Transparency Authority (NTA) with the investigation.

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Announcement regarding SLAPP lawsuit against a journalist and its partial acceptance by the court

The treatment of investigative journalism as a threat and the vindictive lawsuits and lawsuits against journalists create great concern, not only for the violation of their rights, but above all for the future of press freedom in Greece. Lawsuits against journalists because of their research or criticism of issues of public interest are SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) cases aimed at intimidating as well as morally and financially eliminating the defendant journalists.

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GCR and HLHR appeal: safeguard the Rule of Law in Greece

Athens, 28 March 2023: On 17 March, the Greek Council for Refugees (GCR) and the Hellenic League for Human Rights (HLHR) sent a joint letter to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, the UN Special Rapporteur on the rights of migrants, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the European Commissioner for Migration and Home Affairs.

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Athens, 21/12/2022

On Tuesday, 20.12.2022, the interrogation of Panayote Dimitras took place, following criminal charges brought against him for “setting up a criminal organisation with the purpose of facilitating the illegal entry and stay in Greece of third country nationals”. Following the conclusion of the interrogation, the Investigating Magistrate and the Prosecutor agreed on imposing a prohibition on involvement with the Greek Helsinki Monitor, a civil society organisation of which he is a founding and core member since 1993, while they disagreed on the remaining measures that will be accompanying this prohibition. These are to be decided by the competent Judicial Council.

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