Δημοσιεύματα στον ξένο τύπο για τη δίκη της Χρυσής Αυγής

Τα άρθρα συγκεντρώθηκαν από την εθελόντρια Kate Phipps

3/10/14. Golden Dawn leader Nikos Michaloliakos is jailed ahead of the trial, on charges of leading a criminal organisation
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/oct/03/golden-dawn-leader-jailed-nikos-michaloliakos (Helena Smith)

16/10/14. Golden Dawn members to be put on trial for criminal activities
http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/oct/16/greece-golden-dawn-mps-tried-criminal-offences (Helena Smith)

17/10/14. Prosecutor Dogiakos recommends criminal trial for 67 members of Golden Dawn, including 18 MPs and gives reasons for the trial
https://damomac.wordpress.com/2014/10/17/all-golden-dawn-mps-should-face-criminal-trial-prosecutor-recommends/ (Damian Mac Con Uladh)

4/11/14. Account by an American journalist who went undercover in Golden Dawn’s meetings in Kalamata
http://www.lrb.co.uk/v36/n23/alexander-clapp/diary (Alexander Clapp)

4/11/14. The trial and reasons for the trial, the growing popularity of Golden Dawn and how its activities are organised and carried out
http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/prosecutor-mounts-case-against-neonazi-golden-dawn-party-a-1000944.html (Manfred Ertel)

13/11/14. The possible dangers of the trial if the prosecution fails
http://foreignpolicy.com/2014/11/13/greeces-neo-nazis-were-scarier-than-anyone-imagined/ (Yiannis Baboulias)

19/11/14. Golden Dawn’s charitable actions for Greeks only are funded by its mafia-like activities involving blackmail, protection-rings and money laundering
http://www.channel4.com/news/blackmail-protection-money-laundering-funding-golden-dawn (Yiannis Baboulias)

25/11/14. Lawyers argue Golden Dawn should be charged as a terrorist organisation, and ask for donations for pro bono lawyers

4/01/15. Golden Dawn struggles to find candidates to fill its electoral lists for the elections, but remain popular
http://www.thetoc.gr/eng/politics/article/golden-dawn-struggling-to-find-election-candidates (Antonios Galanopoulos)

16/01/15. Older Greeks fear the return of fascism, many Golden Dawn voters used to be communists or socialists in the past
http://www.newsweek.com/2015/01/23/then-nazi-victim-now-neo-fascist-299568.html (Kostas Kallergis)

23/01/15. Golden Dawn runs a quiet campaign for the elections due to its leaders being behind bars
http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/_w_articles_wsite1_1_23/01/2015_546465 (Costas Pitas)

22/01/15. Golden Dawn still popular despite limited campaigning, because the trial is seen as a ‘political conspiracy’
http://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/greece-election-neo-nazi-party-still-vocal-despite-its-leaders-being-in-jail-1.2074444 (Damian Mac Con Uladh)


δικαιοσύνη, δίκη χρυσής αυγής

