Category: Citizenship

Towards Improving Access to Greek Citizenship

After two years of continuous research, recording and substantial interventions in the process of granting citizenship in our country, we are publishing our final report. The text Towards Improving Access to Greek Citizenship attempts to include all the experience of monitoring the new naturalization system as a whole and synthesize the conclusions drawn from the individual actions of the project during the past two years.

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Citizenship in practice

The project “Citizenship in practice” is being implemented under the Active citizens fund in Greece by Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity, and its partner, the Hellenic League for Human Rights.

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Greek Citizenship: A Mythbuster

Is there a difference between Citizenship and Nationality? Is everyone born in Greece automatically entitled to Greek citizenship or must they meet more conditions? Do they receive a national ID within a few months? And what about honorary naturalizations? How easy is it to become a Greek after all?

How much do we really know about Greek citizenship?

The publication “Greek Citizenship: A Mythbuster” aims to fill the information gap and the lack of meaningful dialogue on an issue that concerns us all: citizenship.

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The Item Bank and the new naturalization system: a critical assessment

The report entitled “The Items Bank and the new naturalization system: a critical assessment” is published as part of the project “Citizenship in practice”, implemented under the Active citizens fund program, by Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity in partnership with the Hellenic League for Human Rights.

Specifically, it is part of the action “monitoring and highlighting issues in the procedure for granting citizenship” and is published in view of the first examinations for acquiring the Certificate of Knowledge Adequacy for Naturalization (Π.Ε.Γ.Π.) on May 16 2021, with the aim of raising some of the important issues concerning the upcoming written test included in the new naturalization system.

Read the report here.

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